DSI ApexPaste for Root Canal Filling

DSI ApexPaste is a high-quality temporary root canal filling material that is approved for use in a variety of endodontic procedures. This paste based on calcium hydroxide is available with or without iodoform. DSI ApexPaste with Iodoform is ideal for root canal filling, intracanal medication, root resorption, infected canals, and traumatic dental injuries, as well as primary tooth apexification and endodontic treatment. DSI ApexPaste will have no negative effects on sucedaneous teeth. The paste's resorption rate is similar to that of the root. When treating periodontitis, DSI ApexPaste is an excellent material for root canal filling. The iodoform-free DSI ApexPaste was created for pulp capping, lining pulpotomies, and as a temporary dressing for endodontic apexification procedures. When used to treat chronic periodontitis in permanent teeth, DSI ApexPaste achieves excellent results. It is also the preferred material for injured pulp regeneration and pulpitis on both permanent and developing teeth. The active ingredient in DSI ApexPaste is calcium hydroxide. It produces a high alkaline pH (12.8), has a long-lasting bactericidal and antibacterial action, and stimulates dentin remineralization and hard tissue formation. The presence of barium sulphate in DSI ApexPaste provides high radiopacity. The addition of iodoform to the paste increases the bactericidal and drying effects in the canal.Because DSI ApexPaste comes in a pre-filled ergonomic syringe, messy mixing is completely eliminated. Direct application into the canal ensures quick and easy application. DSI ApexPaste is a must-have tool in any endodontic treatment due to its excellent physical properties, ease of handling, numerous applications, and competitive price.


  • Suitable for root canal filling, intracanal medication, root resorption, infected canals, traumatic dental injuries, apexification, and endodontic treatment of primary teeth.


  • Antibacterial and bacteriostatic activity that lasts a long time
  • Effect of remineralization
  • Aids in the restoration of hard tissue
  • Highly radiolucent
  • Application is simple and convenient.
  • Based on silicone oil
  • pH level that is too high
  • For easy removal, use a non-hardening paste.

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