DSI Chlor-Ex- Essential Antimicrobial Properties

DSI Chlor-Ex is a 2% chlorhexidine solution with strong antimicrobial properties. Chlorhexidine is widely regarded as the most effective agent for patient preoperative surface preparation. The antiseptic has a high level of antimicrobial activity, which reduces the risk of infection significantly. It is effective against a wide range of microorganisms, particularly those found on the skin. In hospitals, chlorhexidine is the most important tool for infection prevention. It is used on both skin and medical devices.

DSI Chlor-Ex is a non-irritant, non-toxic solution that is safe to use on the skin and mucosa. Furthermore, evidence-based clinical studies have shown that chlorhexidine has a prolonged effect, with antimicrobial activity lasting for hours. Chlorhexidine completely outperforms alcohol solutions in this regard. Despite decades of use in healthcare, there have been no reports of bacterial resistance to chlorhexidine. This is due to the nonspecific bactericidal mechanism of action.

Hand hygiene is the most effective and simple method of infection prevention. Hand washing with a chlorhexidine solution reduces skin flora significantly. DSI Chlor-Ex can be diluted and used as a mouthwash, making it an excellent addition to regular oral care. Among antigingivitis agents, chlorhexidine solutions are the gold standard. Mouthwash reduces inflammation and swelling by reducing the amount of oral bacteria that cause gum disease. As a safe, highly effective broad-spectrum antiseptic, DSI Chlor-Ex is an essential solution for any dental practice and even the home.


  • DSI Chlor-Ex can be diluted for use as a mouthwash, serving as an excellent addition to routine oral care.


  • Effective Sterilization of Root Canal System
  • No Reduction in Filling Material Adhesion
  • Compatibility with Antiseptics
  • Powerful Antimicrobial Properties
  • Effective Patient Preoperative Surface Preparation
  • High Antimicrobial Activity
  • Non-Toxic and Non-Irritant
  • Prolonged Antimicrobial Effect
  • Dilution for Mouthwash Use
  • Safe and Potent Antiseptic


  • Highly effective antiseptic against a wide range of bacteria
  • Antimicrobial activity that is consistent and long-lasting
  • Non-irritating and safe
  • Can be diluted to create a potent antibacterial mouthwash for controlling and killing bacteria in the mouth.
  • Chlorhexidine mouthwash is a fantastic antigingivitis treatment.

For more information

Link to Brochure and IFU


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