DSI Prophylaxis Paste- 8 Natural Flavors for instant teeth whitening

At DSI, we believe that procedures and cleaning routines that promote the oral health of teeth, gums, and mouth, as well as preventing or slowing the progression of periodontal disease, can be enjoyable and enjoyable. This new concept of well-being is based on providing appropriate and tailored care to help with daily prophylaxis. Prophylaxis is defined as the prevention of disease. The DSI Prophy Paste has a splatter-free formula and cleans the patient's mouth and face after use. It also contains potassium nitrate, which is used in whitening products and provides an instant effect that your customers will appreciate. Flavors include spearmint, wildberry, exotic fruit, cherry, lemon, black currant, strawberry, and orange. With eight natural flavors, including an exclusive black currant flavor that will make your customers smile, it is still exceptionally effective in polishing and stain removal. Perfectly sized core cleaning particles that quickly break down into a fine grit as you work, maximizing cleaning, minimizing abrasion, and maximizing chair time.

With a fluoride-free formula, you can complete the cleaning session or upgrade with DSI Fluoride Gel placement.

Product SKU's

Flavor Code
Strawberry PPASTE-S
Exotic fruit PPASTE-E
Black Currant PPASTE-B
Wildberry PPASTE-W
Spearmint PPASTE-M

‍Directions of use

  1. Use with a prophy angle or electric toothbrush (preferably with a rubber insert)
  2. Fill the cup by pressing it into the paste at a slight angle while running the at low speed.
  3. Apply the paste to the tooth in quick, light strokes while slightly flaring the cup edge.
  4. Check and refill the cup as needed to avoid excessive friction to the tooth surface.
  5. Rinse and expectorate.
  6. Complete the treatment by applying the DSI Fluoride Gel


  • Splatter-Free Formula.
  • Potassium Nitrate for Whitening
  • Eight Natural Flavors
  • Effective Polishing and Stain Removal
  • Perfectly Sized Core Cleaning Particles
  • Fluoride-Free Formula
  • Professional-Level Results
  • Weekly Usage for Optimal Results
  • Efficient, Safe, and Natural Flavoring

For more information

Cosmetic dentistry & prophylaxis

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