DSI UniLite-  Optimal Strength and Esthetics in Restorative Dentistry

DSI UniLite Universal Composite is the perfect combination of strength and beauty to satisfy even the most demanding patients. DSI UniLite Universal Composite is a universal restorative filling material that is light-cured, hybrid-filled, radiopaque, and highly polishable. It was carefully formulated for use in a wide range of Class I-VI restorations in both the posterior and anterior zones. UniLite Restorative contains a sophisticated radiopaque nano-filler based on multifunctional particles. UniLite Restorative contains a blend of non-aggregated 20 nanometer silica filler particles, non-aggregated zirconia filler ranging in size from 4 to 11 nanometers, and aggregated zirconia/silica cluster filler with a mean particle size of 3 micron. The filler content is about 82% by weight (68% by volume). This light-cured, radiopaque material provides the strength and wear resistance required for long-lasting, esthetic restorations. DSI UniLite Universal Composite's non-sticky consistency allows for easy handling and sculptability. Its distinct physical properties allow the clinician to mimic the appearance of natural teeth.

Product SKU's

Product Shade Code
DSI UniLite, Syringe 4g A1 UL-A1
A2 UL-A2
A3 UL-A3
A3.5 UL-A35
B1 UL-B1
B2 UL-B2
C2 UL-C2
Opaque UL-O
Universal UL-UD


  • For anterior and posterior restorations, combines strength and aesthetics.
  • High tensile strength and minimal polymerization shrinkage
  • Radiopacity is very high.
  • High-gloss polishing is possible.
  • Very useful and cost-effective
  • Highly sculptable and simple to use
  • Excellent physical properties and unrivaled wear resistance
  • Best color selection


  • Advanced Radiopaque Nano-Filler
  • Easy-to-handle, very sculptable, and durable material.
  • Opacity and Reduced Need for Opaquer Composites
  • Curing Compatibility
  • Shade Matching for Vita® System

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