DSI Zenoss Chips- Biocompatibility and Resorption Rate for Optimal Implant Outcomes

According to estimates, bone preservation is required for up to half of all dental implant treatment procedures currently performed. In the case of reverse dental bone loss, bone grafting is the only predictable path to long-term restorative success. DSI Zenoss Chips are a natural, highly purified bone mineral matrix derived from bovine bone that has been stripped of all organic components.
The material has properties that are very similar to human mineral bone. The exceptional osteoconductive properties ensure predictable bone regeneration by acting as a scaffold for cell adhesion and proliferation in defect sites and stimulating bone growth. The natural micro-porous consistency of the scaffold is critical in improving osteoinduction. In turn, the macroporous architecture allows for cell infiltration and body fluid circulation, resulting in excellent osseointegration.

The interconnected macro and microscopic structures promote new vascularity and bone formation. The DSI Zenoss Chips are highly biocompatible with human bone tissue due to their lack of antigenicity and immunogenicity. Furthermore, the slow resorption rate is advantageous for maintaining graft volume. The DSI Zenoss Chips create the ideal environment for successful implant placement and treatment outcomes.

Product SKU's

Shade Code
Transparent RFXSA-CL


  • Alveolar ridge augmentation or reconstruction treatment.
  • Infrabony periodontal defects are filled.
  • Repair of defects following root resection, apicoectomy, and cystectomy.
  • Filling extraction sockets to improve alveolar ridge preservation.
  • The maxillary sinus floor is elevated.
  • Periodontal defects are filled using products designed for Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) and Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR).
  • Filling peri-implant defects with products designed for Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR).


  • A distinct micro and macro porous structure
  • Resorption takes time
  • Similar to human bone in both physical and chemical properties
  • Extraordinary stability
  • Immunogenicity is low.
  • Outstanding biocompatibility

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