Easy Bone Defects Repair with DSI Sponge ZenGraft

The ultimate purpose of DSI Sponge ZenGraft's development was to help in the cases more complex then a regular post-extraction socket preservation

The pairing of our successful products, Pure Sponge collagen plug and Zenoss Bone Graft, is called DSI Sponge ZenGraft.

DSI Sponge ZenGraft is a two-phase collagen type I impregnated with deproteinized bovine xenograft, derived from bovine tendon. The high particle adhesion provided by the collagen helps to stabilize blood clots and encourage revascularization. Placing the plug into extraction sockets or other boney defects is made easier by its shape. Comparing DSI Sponge ZenGraft to the synthetic version, the former shows a bit slower restoration time, but with pronounced ossteoconductive results. It is the perfect material to use for repairing various bone defects or filling of sockets with a wall missing (usually buccal) due to its exceptional physical qualities and easy handling. Bone grafting will become a predictable and straightforward process thanks to the innovative one-step solution, which will also improve treatment results.


  • DSI Sponge ZenGraft contributes to improved treatment results in bone grafting procedures.


  • Keeping the crest and hole intact
  • Preservation of ridges
  • Periodontal abnormalities
  • Flaws surrounding the implant
  • Flaws following resection and cystectomy
  • No membrane needed!


  • Unique one-step solution for bone grafting procedures
  • Sticks to the place, stops hemmorage and then acts as a bone graft.
  • Predictable outcome
  • Fast healing of the site
  • Optimal shape for easy placement
  • Slow absorption - bone conduction
  • Convenient handling
  • Similar to natural bone structure

For more information

BiomaterialsBone graftRidge augmentation

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