Using DSI Ultrasil for Optimal Dimensional Stability

Making impressions is an essential part of prosthodontics. A good first impression is essential for a successful treatment. Inaccuracy at this stage is very likely to result in a prosthesis with incorrect adaptation or the need for repeated impression making, both of which are costly, time-consuming, and frustrating for the patient. Internal and marginal fit is one of the most important factors that can limit the longevity of a restoration. Thus, the clinical success of dental restorations is critically dependent on the impression materials used, and choosing the best product on the market is critical. DSI Ultrasil provides unrivaled quality, ensuring the dependability and flawless performance required for perfectly fitting prosthetics and satisfied clients. The material has a number of advantageous physical properties that allow for meticulously detailed reproduction of the preparation margins. The DSI Ultrasil kit includes materials specifically designed for a two-step impression technique, with putty and light body viscosities available. DSI Putty is an easy-to-mix hydrophilic, non-sticky, non-oily addition-cured silicone. It has a genuine putty viscosity, excellent wettability, and a convenient operating time/setting time ratio. The material has excellent dimensional stability, high tear strength, and high elongation potential. Dental clinicians will also appreciate how simple it is to use. The key to accurate, stress-free impressions is DSI Ultrasil.


  1. Putty-wash impression technique in two steps
  2. Putty-wash impression technique in a single step
  3. Using a foil or plastic putty spacer as a foil or plastic putty spacer, create a two-step putty-wash impression.
  4. Forming functional peripheries with a one-step putty impression technique
  5. When you need the highest definition impression copy with the most detail, UltraSil Putty VPS material is the way to go.


  • Impression of the crown and bridge.
  • Impression of inlay and onlay


  • The ideal operating time/setting time ratio
  • Exceptional detail reproduction
  • Outstanding dimensional stability
  • Excellent elastic properties (high elastic memory).
  • Amazing tear strength
  • Non-sticky. Very smooth
  • Combination is simple.
  • Procedure outcomes that are dependable and consistent
  • Models may be released up to three weeks after their impressions are taken.
  • Physical and mechanical properties that are carefully balanced

For more information

Impression materials

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